Volunteers at the hospice

Healthcare volunteer: motivated by individual and humanitarian reasons, a healthcare volunteer provides psychological and somatic support free of charge at various levels of the healthcare system.

Lay volunteer, hospice assistant: after having completed voluntary training, a lay volunteer/hospice assistant goes on under the supervision/direction of professional staff to provide physical and spiritual support to patients and their families during the period of the illness and bereavement.

1. Care and help for the patient

  • patient supervision
  • reading to patients
  • lending an ear, conversation, spiritual support
  • washing, bathing, shaving
  • helping patients to eat and drink
  • changing beds
  • taking patients for walks, dressing them
  • administration

2. Helping the family

  • psychological support during the period of the illness and bereavement
  • easing the burden
  • a personal presence, consoling family members

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